Manhattan was bought for a small sum of $24. . . or was it? Derek explores this historical transaction that is surrounded by myth. Feb 1, 2025. Ep 134. Get $1 free when you fund your account to play Solitaire Cube using promo code DEREKIZZI. Play competitive solitaire for real money!
Mermaids have a history in folklore but in this city, a mermaid was real. Jan 1, 2025. Ep 133. Get 10% off everything in the swag store when you use promo code IZZI10. Click here to access the store.
We have celebrated Columbus Day for years in this country. It's always referred to as the day Christopher Columbus discovered America. Join Derek as he dives into the real history of this holiday. Dec 1, 2024. Ep 132. Get 10% off everything in the swag store when you use promo code IZZI10. Click here to access the store.
What is there to do in prison? This singing group was made of an unlikely group of men...prisoners. The discovery of this talented group of musicians would lead to a lot of notoriety. Nov 1, 2024. Ep 131. Get 10% off everything in the swag store when you use promo code IZZI10. Click here to access the store.
The legend of a female outlaw may have been exaggerated but the life this woman lived was different. Oct 1, 2024. Ep 130. Get 10% off everything in the swag store when you use promo code IZZI10. Click here to access the store.
An unlikely hero is discovered under the sea. Derek tells you about this unique creature and some of it's rare qualities. Sep 1, 2024. Follow BadLuck Chuck's successful mixed martial arts bets. All results tracked by a 3rd party. Get his bets in advances with additional analysis. Here is the Patreon Site. Here is the bet tracking site.
An unassuming woman decides to start an old folks home with a business plan that would guarantee success, but also encourage murder. Was this business woman insane? Did she just have a streak of bad luck? Or was she a serial murderer? Aug 1, 2024. Ep 128. Place your bet on which you think she is! Derek explores this story while you can explore bovada using this link to place sports bets. The show gets a kickback when you make your first deposit and then you get a kickback when you refer friends to the site. Make bets on sports, on politics, on anything!
The Cleveland Browns had an interesting start in the NFL. Derek explores the life of one of the most innovative football coaches of all time and how his influence would give Cleveland it's namesake. Jul 1, 2024. Ep 127. Download Solitaire Cube and play competitive solitaire for real money! Use promo code "DEREKIZZI" and get $1 for free when you make your first deposit.
Pearl Harbor was a tragedy for America. Thousands dead and wounded. No one would anticipate this happening as a result of the tragedy. Jun 1, 2024. Ep 126. Get 10% off everything in the swag store when you use promo code IZZI10. Click here to access the store.
A serial killer is on the loose under an assumed name. While he did have an extensive victim list, it was nowhere near what he claimed. May 1, 2024. Ep 125. Get 10% off everything in the swag store when you use promo code IZZI10. Click here to access the store.
Despite having holidays and streets named after him, little is known about this polish man who might be a reason the United States got their freedom. Apr 1, 2024. Ep 124. Check out the bloopers show. It's a quick compilation of bloopers from the 2023 season.
An appetite for flesh, torture, and children would lead this man over the edge. Derek explores the strange life of this unique killer. Mar 1, 2024. Ep 123. Get 10% off everything in the swag store when you use promo code IZZI10. Click here to access the store.
A transient man is going from town to town. As he travels. . . men women and children are found dead. A used car salesman is accused of murder. Feb 1, 2024. Ep 122. Get 10% off everything in the swag store when you use promo code IZZI10. Click here to access the store.
A panic across the USA resulting in a massive recall of pain medication after 2 people died from taking it. What happened?? Jan 1, 2024. Ep 122. Get 10% off everything in the swag store when you use promo code IZZI10. Click here to access the store.
In 2015 in San Jose, California. . . in a small area of town cats started disappearing. At first, no one thought anything of it. As investigators started to close in, they would discover that all of the disappearances were the result of 1 man. Dec 1, 2023. Ep 120. Try the Underdog Sports App. Get matching funds when you make your initial deposit, up to $100!
Zorro was a fictional character that most of you remember from your childhood. A Mexican outlaw using his sword for justice. Derek explores the real Zorro. Nov 1, 2023. Ep 119. Get 10% off everything in the swag store when you use promo code IZZI10. Click here to access the store.
Controversy during the presidential election. Voter fraud, mobs attacking the federal system, voters blocked from the polls, newspapers reporting false news and incorrect election results. Political parties lying to their constituents. You've seen it in the news, but did you know this happened in 1876? Oct 1, 2023. Ep 118. Please take 30 seconds and write a 5-star review on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Amazon Podcast, or whatever podcast platform you're using to listen to the show.
Cave exploration has long been an activity for the craziest or sometimes the bravest among us. Derek explores this cave story about an adventurer who truly pushed fate to discover the unknown. Sep 1, 2023. Ep 117. Play solitaire for real money! Download Solitaire Cube. Get $1 free just for making your first deposit to your account using promo code "derekizzi".
Spontaneous human combustion was often thought of as a legitimate cause of death back in the early to mid 1900s. Was that the cause of death for this woman or was she murdered? Find out! Aug 1, 2023. Ep 116. Get 10% off everything in the swag store when you use promo code IZZI10. Click here to access the store.
Back in the 1800s, baseball was a new sport in America. New inventions in this sport would happen as the sport evolved, including the invention of a new pitch that would have a significant impact on the game. Jul 1, 2023. Ep 115. Get 10% off everything in the swag store when you use promo code IZZI10. Click here to access the store.
One of the most ruthless and brutal civil war soldiers had a short murderous reign of terror. He killed for the south, but the brutality of his killing was about more than the civil war. Jun 1, 2023. Ep 114. Get 10% off everything in the swag store when you use promo code IZZI10. Click here to access the store.
Mysterious deaths seem to follow this man. Faulty insurance claims, serial lies, murders, mayhem, even a castle? Join Derek in exploring the life of one of America's first serial killers. May 1, 2023. Ep 113. Download Solitaire Cube on your phone and start playing competitive solitaire for real money. Get $1 free when you fund your account using promo code derekizzi.
A very controversial singer claims to have inside information claiming a suicide was actually a murder. His band was one of the most controversial of their time. Apr 1, 2023. Ep 112. Check out our Swag store! Get Derek Izzi Show merchandise that you can wear or use. Show support for the show! Click here or on any of the links on the page to visit the store.
Derek visits the Cherryvale Kansas Museum where he meets with the curator to discuss the Bender family from one of the most knowledgeable local sources. Mar 1, 2023. Ep 111. Check out our Swag store! Get Derek Izzi Show merchandise that you can wear or use. Show support for the show! Click here or on any of the links on the page to visit the store.
Stranded on a deserted island, the topic of our podcast experienced this firsthand. Living in isolation for almost 20 years, her story was made into a book and a movie. Feb 1, 2023. Ep 110. Do you need a web site designed? Do you need a tutor? You can hire people to do these jobs at a reasonable price. Check out Fiver! You've gotta use that link in order for the show to get credit, so thank you in advance!
Back in the 1930s in rural Pennsylvania, a dispute was followed by a bizarre illness that led to murder. Derek explores this tragic event. If you'd like to explore a tragic event, try taking on Derek in a game of solitaire cube. Jan 1, 2023. Ep 109. Download the app and use promo code "derekizzi" to get $1 free when you make your first deposit. Play solitaire for real money!
Climate control has long been a thought for hundreds of years. What lead us to the ability to control the temperature inside? From the ancient Egyptians to modern day smartphone controls, Derek explores this topic. Dec 1, 2022. Ep. 108. If you need business help, check out the freelancers at Fiverr. They work directly for you so your cost is lowered and you can always find someone willing to work for your price. Web site design, video and audio editing, business advice, home interior design, you name it. Fiverr has it. Use the link here so we get credit for referring you.
A young woman from an abusive home got married young. Her first husband died a tragic death. Addicted to prescription drugs, she couldn't stop her habit and the streak of bad luck that seemed to befall everyone around her. But was it really bad luck? Nov 1, 2022. Ep. 107. Support The Derek Izzi Show by downloading the Solitaire Cube app and make you first deposit using promo code derekizzi and you will get $1 for free so you can play competitive solitaire for real prize money.
An unlikely war hero braves shark infested waters to save the lives of his fellow soldiers only to die without recognition. He was a true hero. Oct 1, 2022. Ep. 106. KS Gamblers! Click here to download the BetMGM app and get $50 free when you make your first deposit and bet! Not a fan of MGM? Try Fanduel. You will get $50 in free bets when you use the link here and make your first deposit and bet. Need a 3rd option? Try Draft Kings Sportsbook using this link and get up to $200 in free bets when you make your first deposit.
In Beaver County, PA there's a legend of some type of creature walking the side of the road. A green man, a man with no face, a ghost? Derek explores this legend. Sep 1, 2022. Ep. 105. These next 10 days, you can get 40% off your subscription to Magic Mind. Click here!
Life is fragile. Few people understand the tragedy that can strike when someone fails to close a door. Aug 1, 2022. Ep 104. Close your doors and download the Solitaire Cube app. Use promo code "derekizzi" and get $1 in free bonus funds when you make your first deposit! Play solitaire for real money!
Several key people who otherwise wouldn't have anything in common became part of something during the month of September. Jul 1, 2022. Ep. 103. These next 10 days, you can get 40% off your subscription to Magic Mind. Click here!
From a young age, this man was constantly getting in trouble. His trouble making days would turn into a reign of terror that would go virtually unnoticed as he quietly became America's most prolific serial killer. Jun 1, 2022. Ep. 102. Want to donate $1 to a good cause? Click here and donate to the show. Donations keep us running. A $5 donation gets you mentioned live on the air!
From homeless to billionaire, the story of this man is inspirational and yet follows some simple rules that will enhance anyone's life. May 1, 2022. Ep. 101. Want to donate $1 to a good cause? Click here and donate to the show. Donations keep us running.
This man started as an altar boy and turned into one of Kansas City's most infamous residents. Apr 1, 2022. Ep. 100. Want to donate $1 to a good cause? Click here and donate to the show. Donations keep us running.
Few people achieve success in life. For those who do, they generally succeed in one field. Derek dives into the fascinating life of someone who had success in many fields, but no one knew who he was. Mar 1, 2022. Ep. 99. Download the Solitaire Cube app and play solitaire for real money. Get $1 free when you make your first deposit using promo code DerekIzzi
A homicide took place in a bar in Harlem back in the 1940s. With no eyewitnesses willing to come forward, an unlikely witness steps up to identify the killer. Feb 1, 2022. Ep. 98. Download the Solitaire Cube app and play solitaire for real money. Get $1 free when you make your first deposit using promo code DerekIzzi
A horrible Halloween nightmare comes true when a real-life killer strikes on Halloween, but not in the way you see in horror movies. This killer was hidden in plain sight. Jan 1, 2022. Ep. 97. Use the Apple Podcast app to write a 5-star review for the show! Thank you!
A chemist discovers a wax-like substance that he alleges can cure everything. Is it true? What happens as he tries to sell it? Tune in to find out! Dec 1, 2021. Ep 96. Like the show? Donate $1 to the show by clicking here.
A small town in Texas in the early 1900s, an inn with an alligator pit, a killer with an appetite for women. Derek finds the truth behind this scary story. Nov 1, 2021. Ep 95. While you're listening to this month's show, check out our new sponsor, Fiverr. They have freelance workers available for every aspect of your business. Or you can become a freelance worker to make extra money.
A woman is found after being burned eventually to death. There is a secret she's been hiding for 30 years. . . a multi-million dollar secret. Oct 1, 2021. Ep 94. While you're listening to this month's show, check out our new sponsor, Fiverr. They have freelance workers available for every aspect of your business. Or you can become a freelance worker to make extra money.
Sports teams often change their names throughout history. This team owns the legacy of being the worst baseball team in major league history. Their name has been changed . . .
Hey! Write us a 5 star review on itunes or Apple Podcast. It would be really cool and it makes Derek smile. You want Derek to smile, don't you? :-)
The 1996 movie, "Scream" was about a teenage girl terrorized by a killer who used common horror film plots to stage his killings. 2 teenagers tried to copy the movie setting up a real life horror. Aug 1, 2021. Ep 92. Download the Solitaire Cubed app and play solitaire for real money! Use promo code DEREKizzi and get $1 when you make your first deposit!
Two young men, who were allegedly into dangerous sexual deviance, decide to commit the perfect crime. What happened was a gruesome murder that rocked a wealthy community. Jul 1, 2021. Ep 91. Download the Solitaire Cubed app and play solitaire for real money! Use promo code DEREKizzi and get $1 when you make your first deposit!
A town in Georgia picked up and moved so that a man made lake could be created. Some of the residents below the ground did not make the move. Derek explores a lake built on top of a cemetery and the haunting behind this tourist attraction. Jun 1, 2021. Ep 90. Get $15 off your first order with Goldbelly. Order NY Style pizza shipped from a NY Pizzeria. Enjoy bagels shipped directly from a NY bagel shop. Over-nighted delivery of your favorite iconic foods! Click here for $15 off.
What seemed like a perfect American family would fall apart when the ideal housewife would suddenly go missing under what seemed like planned or suspicious circumstances. Derek dives into this unsolved crime. May 1, 2021. Ep 89. Download the Solitaire Cubed app and play solitaire for real money! Use promo code DEREKizzi and get $1 when you make your first deposit!
Growing up in the 1800s, this man was born to 2 former slaves and grew up without money. He was able to gain world fame and fortune through his actions. Enjoy the interesting life of Jack. Apr 1, 2021. Ep 88. Get your first ride free (up to $20) with Lyft using code DEREK605503. You can also use that code to get a bonus by signing up as a driver and completing 100 rides within your first 30 days.
Continuing down the road of America's first female serial killer, we find some new information. Mar 1, 2021. Ep 87. Get $15 off your first order from Goldbelly. Order Detroit style pizza from Buddy's in Detroit. Order Chicago deep dish pizza from Gino's East. Goldbelly puts together foods from the original restaurants all over the USA for you to enjoy. Click here to get your discount.
Born in 1793, this woman's crimes are legendary. In fact, they are just that.... legends....or are they? Feb 1, 2021. Ep 86. Get $20 free when you make a deposit to your Skilz gaming account by using this link. Competitive solitaire for real money awaits you! Play one on one or in tournaments. Costs as little as 60 cents per game and you can win $1, or go for higher stakes.
Around 350 years ago there was a vicious massacre in Alaska. The massacre was allegedly a result of a conflict between 2 young boys. Derek explores the truth and legend behind this Alaskan conflict. Jan 1, 2021. Ep 85. Get $60 off your first 3 boxes by going to DISCOUNT. Blue Apron sends you easy to prepare gourmet meals for under $10 each. Each meal is healthy and is prepared in 15 - 40 minutes. With pictures and step by step instructions, this will bring your family closer as you cook together.
There was a rumor that corn flakes was invented to prevent masturbation. Could this really be true? Derek explores the unusual creation and history of cereal. Dec 1, 2020. Ep 84. Get 50% matching funds when you use Derek's link to make your online bets at
In the mid 1800s a hotel was built. Little did the owners know the hotel was doomed from the start. Explore this New York haunted treasure with Derek. Nov 1, 2020. Ep 83. Get $20 free using this link to download solitaire cubed. Play solitaire for real money against real people. One on one or tournaments. Music provided by No Copyright Music: Music used: Ghost by Tim Beek Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Derek decides to have stromboli for lunch. In the theme of the show, he breaks down the history of stromboli. Enjoy this walk back in time and have some good food. Oct 1, 2020. Ep 82. Get $60 off your first month's order with Blue Apron by clicking here.
Sarah Winchester was the heir to the Winchester firearms company fortune. She bought a mansion and built onto it adding rooms, stairs, and other eccentricities to the point where the construction made no logical sense. Was the house haunted? Was she insane? Derek explores the house, literally....this episode includes an audio tour of the Winchester House. Sep 1, 2020. Ep 81. Get $60 off your first month's order with Blue Apron by clicking here.
This president allegedly married his daughter. In an episode that reveals the truth about this man and some of the historical lessons we still haven't learned, Derek explores a presidency you didn't know about. Aug 1, 2020. Ep 80. Get 50% matching funds on your initial deposit by clicking here. has the best odds for betting on everything. Presidential elections, sports, entertainment...who will be the NFL MVP? Place a bet!
Back in the 1880s a little known serial killer went on a spree in Austin, TX.... we think. The killings remain unsolved to this day. Jul 1, 2020. Ep 79. Get $60 off your first month's order with Blue Apron by clicking here.
There's a rumor that a wealthy man lost an NFL football team in a bet. Is that really true? Explore the wild life of a former NFL team owner with an addiction that broke records. Jun 1, 2020. Ep 78. Get 50% matching funds on your initial deposit by clicking here. has the best odds for betting on everything. Presidential elections, sports, entertainment.
After the civil war, a miracle cure all beverage was launched by a morphine addict. This product would become one of the world's most well known brands and products. May 1, 2020. Ep 77. Get 50% matching funds on your initial deposit by clicking here. has the best odds for betting on everything. Presidential elections, sports, entertainment... will Tom Hanks win best actor? Place a bet!
Back in 1961 a young girl was discovered floating on a life raft in the middle of the ocean. How she got there is a story you will remember. Apr 1, 2020. Ep 76. Enjoy a $60 discount on your first month's subscription to Blue Apron from Derek, just click here.
Ever wonder who helped build the sky scrapers of New York City? It takes a lot of crazy to stand on top of steel hundreds of feet in the air. Derek explores this legendary no fear tribe in today's episode. Mar 1, 2020. Ep 75. Place your sports bets today with a 50% bonus on your initial deposit by clicking here. has the best odds for betting on everything. Presidential elections, sports, entertainment.
Kidnapping in the 1920s and 30s was big business. Children from wealthy families were held for ransom. This kidnapping case had an unexpected and unique ending. Feb 1, 2020. Ep 74. Join Derek on this journey while enjoying $60 off your subscription to Blue Apron. Click here and save money on great food!
Five women married the man of their dreams. Two divorced him quickly while three mysteriously disappeared. Is something more sinister happening? With the help of channel 7 news, Derek explores this story. Jan 1, 2020. Ep 73. If you'd like to help out the show, use this link to join and get 50% matching funds on your initial deposit.
Derek chronicles the rise and fall of one of America's least known entrepreneurs. While he created one of America's most popular businesses, you've probably never heard of him because of his tragic life. This month's show is brought to you by Blue Apron. Click here to get $60 off your first month's orders.
Back in the days of newspapers, there existed the classified ads. One man figured out how to use those ads for his own evil pleasures. Learn about this dangerous man in today's show. Nov 1, 2019. Ep 71. Blue Apron is the sponsor of this month's show. Click here to get $60 off your first month of food.
A long standing fear of the number 13 has plagued our society. Scary movies, superstitions, strange coincidences. Where did it start? Is 13 bad luck? Derek explores this phenomenon. Oct 1, 2019. Ep 70. Take a minute and subscribe to the Morning Brew, a free newsletter that Derek reads. Click here to subscribe.
A tale of 2 horrible murders that took place in Maine back in the 1800s. Derek takes you back in time with actual newspaper accounts of the events. Sep 1, 2019. Ep 69. Support this month's sponsor and get your 50% matching funds on your initial deposit at BetOnline by clicking here.
In the middle of baseball season, Derek takes you back in time to a double header show focused on 2 interesting stories involving baseball players. Aug 1, 2019. Ep 68. Check out Blue Apron, the sponsor of this month's show using the link here and get $60 off your 1st month's order.
The Hollywood sign has a long history but do you know where it started? Why it was built? Who died there? Derek takes you back to explore the haunting around the Hollywood sign. Jul 1, 2019. Ep 67. Support this month's sponsor by getting your 50% match on your first deposit at BetOnline by clicking here.
Everyone is familiar with the Lone Ranger series of books, movies, even the radio show. Was this fictional character based on a real person? Derek goes back in time to explore the person believed to be the real lone ranger and a possible alternate theory. Jun 1, 2019. Ep 66. If you like to gamble on sports or online gaming, check out the newest sponsor to the show and get a 50% welcome bonus on your initial deposit!!! Follow the link here to take advantage of this deal.
Orchard Place was the site that the Chicago International Airport was built upon. This is where the airport code ORD comes from. The airport went through a name change after one individual gave his life in military service. Explore the crazy story with Derek. May 1, 2019. Ep 65. Drive for Lyft for a bonus when you complete 60 rides in your first month. You have to use code "DEREK605503" when you sign up in order to get the bonus. Bonus ranges between $50 and $500, depending on the area. Background music "Twisted Tales" by Jay Man @ Official "OurMusicBox" License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Everyone knows Gene Simmons from the band, Kiss. There was another Gene Simmons whose rampage lasted a week and was more deadly than any other massacre in Arkansas history. Apr 1, 2019. Ep 64. Support Blue Apron and make restaurant quality meals at home with your family. Easy to follow step by step instructions. Get $60 off with
A big thank you to Ross Bugden for the music behind the scenes. Check out his youtube page:
Derek takes you back to explore this grueling automobile race around the world that took place in 1908. Get to know the cars and the winner in this fascinating story. Mar 1, 2019. Ep 63. Drive with Lyft or ride with Lyft. Use promo code DEREK605503 to get your first ride for free.
This clock tower was the site of 9 suicides (or falls) in the early 1970's. After the suicides the tower observation deck was closed...but the suicides weren't the only deadly incidents related to the tower. Feb 2, 2019. Ep 62. Click the link below to access the best in home light fixtures. Use promo code izzi to get 5% off your order.
Background music by Vivek Abhishek
In the 1950's a movie called "The Conquerer" garnered a lot of star power. When cast and crew members started to die off, the movie was rumored to be cursed. Derek explores the truth behind the curse in this month's episode. Jan 1, 2019. Ep 61. Click the link below to access 3VGear and use promo code SHIPFREE to get free shipping on all $25 orders.
The horrid scene of a high rise building on fire. People leaping from the fire to their deaths below. This was not 911, but an actual fire in New York City from 1911. Derek takes you down this journey back in time to when labor conditions were difficult and tragedy struck. Oct 1, 2018. Ep 58.
Everyone uses computers and computing devices. They've become a part of everyday life, but did you know that the computer has been around for almost 200 years? Derek explores the life of one of our greatest minds. Aug 1, 2018. Ep 56.
Running for president can be a daunting task for anyone who takes on the challenge. This candidate did not want the challenge, but after being pushed by his colleagues, he reluctantly accepted the nomination. Hear his story as well as some of the changes of our election processes from Derek's perspective. Jul 1, 2018. Ep 55.
UPDATE!!! - Derek has news to bring you with an update to a podcast he brought you back in Oct of 2016, Murdered & Missing in Oklahoma. After that update, listen to the story of Cora...a witch? There have been stranger things, but this story left a legacy you can see. Jun 1, 2018. Ep 54.
Where did the phrase, "Don't take candy from strangers" come from? Derek answers that question while giving you the details of one of the oldest unsolved mysteries in US History. The first nationally known kidnapping. May 1, 2018. Ep 53.
This trucker got away with murder, literally. His killing spree went unnoticed for years until he attempted to kill someone he knew. Known as the "Happy Faced Killer" he left notes of his crimes signed with a happy face. Derek brings you his story with some little known facts about his childhood as well as clips from one of the few interviews that exists where this killer speaks about his crimes. Apr 1, 2018. Ep 52.
The 1690s and early 1700s were a time of turmoil in New England. Witches were executed, populations were dying of smallpox, the church was the dominant power. Derek explores the influence that one man had on this period in history. Mar 1, 2018. Ep 51.
Derek does his annual ranking of his top 5 episodes of all time as well as the top 3 for 2017. Sometimes people in power abuse their authority. Sometimes this can be deadly for those involved. Derek explores a wild west experience where justice may not have been served. Feb 1, 2018. Ep 50.
In this episode, Derek talks about using positive reminders and repetition to achieve goals in life. He tells you how he used this technique to reach several of his goals and you will hear some surprise celebrities who found success in thinking positive and creating a mental image of their success to keep them going. Dec 1, 2017. Ep 48.
The Manassa Mauler was one of the greatest heavyweight boxers of all time. He was a beast in the ring bringing record numbers of spectators to see him in action. His ringside audience was larger than any of the biggest fights of current times. Here's what you don't know . . . Nov 1, 2017. Ep 47.
A very young killer commits a strange murder. Years later he commits another murder that gets discovered after his own suicide. How many people did he kill until he was caught? Derek brings you the story of Charlie Brandt with the help of the show "48 Hours." Jul 1, 2017. Ep 43.
Derek reviews Chophouse Burgers in Arlington, TX and tells you about a conspiracy theory about the attack on Pearl Harbor which has enough credible information backing it up, that it might actually be true. Listen to the show and find out! May 1, 2017. Ep 41.
Spiritualism in the United States has an origin that can be traced back to a very interesting and bizarre story. Derek explores the life of the girls credited with the spread of spiritualism in the United States. Mar 1, 2017. Ep 39.
The duel was a timeless method of solving conflict and restoring honor to those offended. Our social media trends are often a way of expressing our views and offending others. Duels were how the offended parties used to handle conflict. Join Derek on this look back at some noteworthy duels and the reasoning behind them. Feb 1, 2017. Ep 38.
Long before Donald Trump captured America's interest as a maverick in politics, there was another business man who held this honor. Derek takes you back in time to the original outspoken wealthy businessman presidential candidate. Jan 1, 2017. Ep 37.
Franklin Thompson was a Civil War hero, but few in his era knew his real identity and the story behind his success. Go back into Civil War times with Derek on this journey to find out the real story behind Franklin Thompson and his adventures. Dec 1, 2016. Ep 36.
Everyone knows Henry Ford and his use of the assembly line to mass produce the Model T Ford, but very few know something else he is credited for that is seemingly unrelated and yet he found a way to relate it. Nov 1, 2016. Ep 35.
While Christmas is the biggest Christian holiday in the world, Derek looks at where some of the Christmas traditions started and how they have changed over the years and evolved into what we have today. Dec 1, 2014. Ep 12.